The Hexagram

Rowan Ramsay
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Part 1: Introduction to the Hexagram – A Universal Symbol

The hexagram, a six-pointed star formed by two interlocking triangles, is a symbol rich in meaning and history, transcending various cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. Known in some traditions as the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon, it is more than just a Jewish symbol; it’s a universal emblem found in multiple contexts, from the heart of Islamic architecture to the intricate tapestries of Christian art, and even in the far reaches of Eastern spiritual practices.

Mesoteric and Exoteric Perspectives

In its most straightforward interpretation, the hexagram represents a confluence of the divine and the earthly. The upward-pointing triangle is often seen as a symbol of the divine, the sky, fire, or male energy, while the downward-pointing triangle represents the earth, water, or female energy. This duality and interconnection echo in various exoteric (outer) religious teachings, illustrating the balance and unity of opposites – a concept central to many belief systems.

In some places the hexagram is show with a circle round it and a point in its centre. If we look at the elemental glyphs in alchemy we can see all 4 elements and the point in the circle are all included in this version of the star, showing us the perfection of man.

In Judaism, the hexagram is known as the Magen David (Shield of David), symbolizing God’s rule over the universe in all six directions: north, south, east, west, up, and down. In Christianity, it has been used to represent the six days of creation or the two natures of Christ – human and divine. Islamic art, renowned for its geometric designs, frequently incorporates the hexagram, reflecting the religion’s emphasis on symmetry and balance as manifestations of divine order.

Part 2: The Hexagram in Esoteric Traditions

Esoterically, the hexagram is a potent symbol of synthesis and mystical union. In alchemy, it represents the union of opposites, creating something new and transcendent. The interlocking triangles symbolize the alchemical wedding of the masculine (sulfur) and feminine (mercury) principles, leading to the creation of the philosopher’s stone, a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment and transformation.

In the Western esoteric tradition, particularly Hermeticism, the hexagram is often associated with the maxim “As above, so below,” indicating the mirroring of the macrocosm and microcosm, the universe, and the individual. This principle is central to the Hermetic understanding of the universe, where everything is interconnected, and the individual’s journey towards enlightenment involves understanding and mastering these correspondences.

The hexagram also holds significance in Eastern philosophies. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is linked with meditation and the balance of the chakras, representing the spiritual journey from the physical to the divine. This symbolic journey echoes in Taoism, where the hexagram appears as the union of Yin and Yang, fundamental forces of the universe, in a dynamic and harmonious balance.

Part 3: The Hexagram Today – A Symbol of Unity and Diversity

In modern times, the hexagram continues to be a powerful symbol, representing not only religious and esoteric traditions but also the universal quest for understanding, balance, and harmony. Its presence in various cultures and belief systems underscores a shared human fascination with the mysteries of the universe and the search for a deeper spiritual connection.

The hexagram’s appropriation and misinterpretation in various historical contexts, such as its association solely with Israel or its misuse in World War II, remind us of the power symbols hold in our collective consciousness. It’s crucial to honor and understand the diverse meanings and histories of such symbols, recognizing their role in our shared heritage and the interconnectedness of all human experience.

As we move forward, the hexagram stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder of our common humanity. It invites us to look beyond surface differences, towards the deeper spiritual truths that unite us all. In a world often divided by religious and cultural boundaries, the hexagram symbolizes a potential bridge, leading us towards a more inclusive and unified understanding of ourselves and the universe.



Rowan Ramsay

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